Weigh therefore, my Lord, the nobilitie of your aunceſters, remember your father his late exhortation, forgette not your duetie to your Prince, conſider the eſtate of this poore Coun|trey, with what heapes of curſes you ſhall bee loden, when your ſouldiours ſhall rifle the poore Subiectes, and ſo farre endamage the whole Realme, as they are not yet borne, that ſhall hereafter feele the ſmart of this vprore. You haue not gone ſo farre, but you may turne home, the king is mercifull, your offence as yet not ouer|heynous, cleaue to his clemencie, abandon this headlong folly. Which I craue in moſt humble wiſe of your Lordſhip, for the loue of God, for the duetie you owe your Prince, for the affection you beare the Countrey, and for the reſpecte you haue [...]o youre owne ſafetie, whome God defende from all trayterous and wicked at|tempts.