[1] The Chancel|lor his ora|tion.

My Lorde, although hatred be commonly the handmayden of truth, bycauſe we ſee hym, that plainely expreſſeth his minde, to be for the more part of moſt men diſliked: yet notwithſtã|ding I am ſo well aſſured of your Lordſhip his good inclination towardes me, and your Lord|ſhip ſo certaine of mine entire affection towardes you, as I am emboldned, notwithſtanding this companie of armed men, freely and franckly to vtter that, which by me declared, and by youre Lordſhip folowed, wil turne God willing, to the auayle of you, your friends, alies, & this coũtrey.