[1] Hauing added to this ſhamefull Oration many other ſlaunderous & foule tearmes, which for diuerſe reſpects I ſpare to pen, he would haue ſurrendered the ſword to the Lord Chancellor, who, as I ſayd before, being armed for the Lord Thomas his cõming, and alſo being loath, that his ſlackneſſe ſhould ſeeme diſloyall in refuſing the ſworde, or his frowardneſſe ouer cruell in ſnatching it vpon the firſt proffer, tooke the Lord Thomas by the wreſt of the hand, and requeſted him for the loue of God, the teares trilling downe his cheekes, to giue him for two or three wordes the hearing, which graunted, the reue|rend father ſpake as enſueth.