[1] Theſe and the like cuttyng ſpeeches, enkind|led ſuche coales in both theyr ſtomackes, as the flame coulde not any longer be ſmouldered, but at one clift or other muſt haue fumed.The enimies conſpire the ouerthrow of the Giraldines The eni|mies therefore hauing well nighe knedded the dough that ſhould haue beene baked for the Gi|raldines bane, deuiſed that ſecrete rumors ſhould ſprinckle to and fro, that the Earle of Kildare his execution was intended in Englande, and that vpon his death the Lorde Thomas and all his bloud ſhould haue bene apprehended in Ire|lande.The occaſion of Thomas Fitz Giralde his rebellion.