[1] Sir Iohn Alen knight.The ſeconde that was lynked to this confe|deracie, was ſir Iohn Alen Knight, firſt Secre|tarie to this Archbiſhop, after became mayſter of the Rolles, laſtly Lorde Chauncellor. And although ſir Iohn Alen were not of kinne too the Archebiſhop, but onely of the name, yet not|withſtandyng the Archebiſhop made ſo greate reckenyng of him, as well for his forecaſte in matters of weyght, as for hys faythfulneſſe in affayres of truſt, as what ſoeuer exployte were executed by the one, was foorthwith deemed to haue bene diuiſed by the other.