[1] But although with his graue exhortation the frozen heartes of his aduerſaries for a ſhort ſpirt thawed, yet notwithſtanding they turned ſoone after all this gay Gloria patri, to a further fetche,His oration miſconſtrued. ſaying that this was nothing elſe but to dazell their eyes with ſome lugling knacke, to the ende they ſhoulde aduertiſe the king of his loyall ſpee|ches, adding further, that he was too too euill, that coulde not ſpeake well. And to force the prepen|ſed treaſons, they layde to his charge, with fur|ther ſurmiſes, they certified the counſaile of Eng|lande, that the Erle before his departure,He is accuſed for taking the king his ar|tillerie. furni|ſhed his owne Piles and fortes with the King his Artillerie and Munition taken forth of the Caſtel of Dublin.