And whereas it pleaſeth the king his Maie|ſtie, that vpon my departure here hence, I ſhoulde ſubſtitute in my rowme ſuche one, for whoſe go|uernment I woulde anſwere: albeit I knowe, that your yeares are tender, your wit not ſettled, your iudgement not fully rectified, and therefore I myght bee with good cauſe reclaymed, from putting a naked ſworde in a yong mans hande: yet notwithſtanding, foraſmuch as I am your father, and you my ſonne, I am well aſſured to beare that ſtroke with you in ſteering your ſhip, as that vpon any information I may commaunde you as your father, and correct you as my ſonnefor the wrong handling of your helme.