Sonne Thomas, I doubt not, but you know that my ſoueraigne Lord the King,Kildare his ex+hortation to his ſonne the L. Thomas. hath ſent for me to Englande, and what ſhall beſyde me, God knoweth, for I know not. But howſoeuer it falleth, both you and I know, that I am well ſtept in yeares: and as I may ſhortly die, for that I am mortal, ſo I muſt in haſt deceaſe, bicauſe I am olde. Wherefore in as much as my Wynter is well neare ended, and the Spring of your age nowe buddeth, my will is that you behaue your ſelfe ſo wiſely in theſe your greene yeares, as that to the comfort of your friendes, you may enioy the pleaſure of your Sommer, gleane and reape the fruite of your Harueſt, that with honour you may growe to the catching of that hoarie Win|ter, on whiche you ſee me your father faſt pric|king.