[1] Streight wayes complayntes were addreſſed to the king of theſe enormities,Kildare ac|cuſed. and that in moſt heynous maner that could be deuyſed, houlting out his doings as it were to the leaſt brake of ſi|niſter ſurmiſes, turning euerie priuate iniurie to be the king his quarell, and making euerie Pud|dings pricke as huge in ſhewe as Sampſom hys Piller.He is ſent for to Englande. Wherevpon Kildare was commaunded by ſharpe letters to repayre into Englande, lea|uing ſuch a perſon for the furniture of that realm, and the gouernance of the lande in his abſence, for whoſe doings he would anſwere.