[1] The Lorde Deputie iſſued out of the Caſtel, and came as farre as the Pyllorie, to whome the Maior poſted through the preaſe with the ſworde naked vnder his arme, and preſented White that was ye brewer of all this garboyl to his Lordſhip whom the Gouernour pardoned,White par|doned. as well for hys courage in bickering, as for his retchles ſimplicity and pleaſantneſſe in telling the whole diſcourſe. Wherby a man may ſee how many bloudie qua|rels, a brawling ſwaſhbuckler may pyke out of a bottle of bay, namely when his braynes are fore|bitten with a bottle of nappie Al [...].