[1] Henry White rayſed an vp| [...]re in DublinIn the ſeconde yeare of Skeffington his go|uernment, it happened that one Henrie White, ſeruant to Benet a Marchant of Dublyn, was pitching of a Cart of hay in the high ſtreete, and hauing offred boyes play to paſſengers that wal|ked to and fro, he let a bottle of his hay fall on a ſouldiers Bonet, as he paſt by his Cart: the ſoul|diour taking this knauiſhe knacke in dudgeon, burled his Dagger at him, and hauing narowly miſt the princocks, he ſticked it in a poſt not farre off. White leapt downe from the Cart, and thruſt the ſouldiour through the ſhoulder wyth hys pyke. Wherevpon there was a great vprore in the Citie, betwene the Souldiours and the ap|prentiſes, inſomuch as Thomas Barby beyng the Maior,Thomas Bar|by Maior. hauing the King his ſworde drawne, was hardly able to appeaſe the fray, in which dy|uerſe were wounded, and none ſlaine.