[1] Iohn Fitz Si|mons anſwe|reth Meth.

My Lorde of Meth, may I be ſo bolde as to craue what Countrey man you are? Mary ſir (quoth the Biſhop) I woulde you ſhoulde knowe it. I am a Gentleman, and an Engliſhe man. My Lorde (quoth Fitz Simons) my meaning is to learne, in what ſhire of Englande you were borne? In Lyncolnſhyre, good ſir. quoth Sta|ples. Why then my Lorde, qouth Fitz Simons, we are no traytors, bycauſe it was the Earle of Lincolne, and the Lorde Louell that crowned him, and therefore if you be a Gentleman of Lin|colnſhyre, ſee that you be pardoned, for God and
our King be thanked, we haue need of none.