[1] Kildare inua|deth the Tooles.

During the time that Kildare was in Eng|lande, the ſent of the Tooles making his abſence their harueſt, ceaſed not to moleſt and ſpoyle his tenants, and therefore the Earle meaning not to wrap vp ſo lightly their manifold iniuries, was determined preſently vpon his arriuall to crie thẽ quittance: to the ſpedineſſe of which ſeruice he re|queſted the aide of the Citizens of Dublyn: and expecting in Chriſtes Church their anſwere tou|ching thys motion, the Maior and his breethren
promiſed to aſſyſt him with two C. Archers.