[1] Ouer this, if the hiſtorian be long, hee is ac|compted a triſter: if he be ſhort, he is taken for a ſummiſter: if he commende, he is twighted for a flatterer: if he reprooue, he is holden for a carper: if he be pleaſant, he is noted for a ieſter: if hee bee graue, he is reckened for a drouper: if he miſdate, he is named a falſyfyer: if he once but trippe, hee is tearmed a ſtumbler: ſo that lette hym beare himſelfe in hys Chronicle, as vprightly and as conſcionably as he may poſſible, yet hee ſhall bee ſure, to fynde them that wyll bee more preſt to blabbe forth his pelfiſh faultes, than they will be ready to blaze out his good deſertes.