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The thirde Booke of the Hiſtorie of Ireland, compriſing the raigne of Henry the eyght: continued by Richard Stanihurſt, and vvritten to the right honorable Sir Henrie Sidney Knight, Lord Deputie of Ireland, Lord preſident of VVales, Knight of the moſt noble order of the Garter, and one of hir Maieſties priue Counſayle within hir Realme of Englande.

[1] _HOw comber|ſome (ryghte Honorable) & daungerous a taſke it is, to engroſſe & di|vulge the do|ings of others, eſpecially whẽ the parties re|giſtred or their iſſue are liuing: both common reaſon ſufficient|ly acknowledgeth, and dayly experience infal|libly approueth. For Man by courſe of nature is ſo partially affected to himſelf, and his bloud, as hee will bee more agreeued with the Chro|nicler for recording a peeuiſh treſpaſſe, than hee will be offended with his friende, for cõmitting an heynous treaſon.