3.7. Edwarde the fourth, And Edward the fifth.

Edwarde the fourth, And Edward the fifth.

[1] Lieutenaunts and Deputies in king Ed|ward the fourth his dayes.THomas Fitz Morice Earle of Kildare, Lord Iuſtice vntill the thirde yeere of Edward the fourth, after whiche time the Duke of Clarence, brother to the King, had the office of Lieutenant while he liued, and made his deputies by ſundry turnes, Thomas Erle of Deſmond, Iohn Tip|toft Erle of Wurcetor the Kings couſin, Tho|mas Earle of Kildare, and Henry Lord Grey of Ruthin. Great was the credit of the Giraldines euer whẽ the houſe of Yorke proſpered,The Butlers. and like|wiſe the Butlers thriued vnder the bloud of the Lancaſters: for whiche cauſe the Earle of Deſ|mond remayned many yeres Deputie to George Duke of Clarence his good brother: but when he had ſpoken certayne diſdaynefull words againſte the late marriage of king Edward with the La|dy Elizabeth Gray, the ſayd Lady beeing nowe Queene, cauſed his trade of life after the Iriſhe manner, contrary to ſundry olde ſtatutes enacted in that behalfe,The Erle of Wurceter. to be ſifted and examined by Iohn Earle of Wurcetor his ſucceſſor, ſo that hee was atteynted of treaſon, cõdemned, and forthe ſame beheaded at Droghedagh.1467

[figure appears here on page 74]

[1] [2] Campion out of Saint leger in his collec|tions.Iames the father of this Thomas Earle of Deſmond, being ſuffered and not controlled, du|ring the gouernemẽt of Richard Duke of Yorke his godcept, and of Thomas Erle of Kildare his kinſman, put vpon the Kings ſubiects within the countries of Waterford, Corke, Keary,Iriſh impoſi|tions. and Li|mirike, the Iriſh impoſitions of Quinio and Li|uery, Cartings, Cariages, lodings, Cocherings, Bonnaght and ſuch like, which cuſtomes are the very breeders, maynteyners and vpholders of all Iriſhe enormities, wringing from the poore te|nantes euerlaſting ceaſſe, allowãce of meate and money, whereby their bodies and goodes were brought in ſeruice and thraldome, ſo that the mẽ of warre, Horſes, and their Galloglaghes lye ſtil vpon the fermors, eate them out, begger the coũ|trey, foſter a ſort of Idle vagabonds, ready to re|bell if their Lord commaund them, euer non ſled in ſtelth and robberies. Theſe euill preſidents gi|uen by the father, the ſonne did exerciſe, being L. Deputie, to whome the reformation of that diſ|order ſpecially belonged. Notwithſtanding the ſame faulte beeing winked at in other, and with ſuch rigor auenged in him, was manifeſtly taken for a quarrell ſought and procured.1469 Two yeeres after, the ſayd Earle of Wurcetor loſt his head, while Henry the ſixt takẽ out of the Tower was ſet vp againe, & king Edward proclaymed vſur|per, and then was Kildare enlarged, whom like|wiſe atteynted, they thought alſo to haue rydde, and ſhortly both the Earles of Kildare and Deſ|mond were reſtored to their bloud by Parliamẽt.Reſtitution to bloud. Sir Rouland Euſtace,



ſometime Treaſorer and Lord Chancellor, was laſtly alſo Lord Deputie of Ireland. He founded S. Francis Abbey beſide Kilcollen bridge. King Edwarde a yeere before his death, honored his yonger ſon Richard Duke of Yorke, with the title of Lieutenant ouer thys lande, which he enioyed til his vnnaturall Vncle bereft both him and his brother King Edwarde the fifth of their naturall liues.