[1] IN the firſte yere of this king, the .xxv. of Sept.
1413 Iohn Stanley the kings lie [...]tenant in Ire|lande.
[1] A Parliament.The morrow after S. Mathias day, a Par|liament began againe at Dublin, which conti|nued for the ſpace of .xv. dayes, in which meane tyme the Iriſhe did muche hurt by inuaſions made into the Engliſh pale, and burning vp all the houſes afore them that ſtoode in theyr way, as their vſuall cuſtome was in tymes of other Par|liaments, wherevpon a tallage was demaunded, but not graunted.
[1] 1414In the yeare .1414. the Engliſh men fought with the Iriſh neare to Kilka, and ſlue an hun|dred of the enimies, whileſt the Archbiſhop being Lord Iuſtice in Triſtel Dermote, went in pro|ceſſion with his Cleargie, praying for the good ſpeede of his men and other of the Countrey, that were gone forth to fight with the aduerſaries.
[1] In the feaſt of S. Gordian and Epimachus, to wit, the .x. of May, were the Engliſh of Meth diſcomfited by Oconther & his Iriſh, where they ſlue Thomas Maureuar baron of Serin,Engliſh men ſlaine. & there were taken priſoners, Chriſtofer Fleming, Iohn Dardis, & diuers other, beſide many yt were ſlain.
[figure appears here on page 70]
[1] Iohn Lorde Talbot of Sherfield.On Saint Martins euen, ſir Iohn Talbot of Holomſhire, Lorde Furniuale, landed at Dal|key, the kings lieutenaunt in Irelande, a man of great honour.
[1] In the yeare .1415. in Nouẽber, Robert Tal|bot a right noble man,
1415 Robert Tal|bot deceaſeth.
[1] 1416This yeare in the feaſt day of Geruaſius and Prothaſius which falleth on the .xix. of Iune, the Lord lieutenants wife, the Ladie Furniuall was brought to bed at Finglaſſe of a ſonne named Thomas.The Archbi|ſhop of Ard|magh decea| [...]eth. About the ſame time alſo, Stephen Fleming Archbiſhop of Ardmach departed thys life, after whõ ſucceded Iohn Suanig. On ye day of S. Laurence, the Lord Furniuals ſonne Tho. Talbot that was borne at Finglaſſe in Nouẽber laſt paſt, departed this life, and was buried in the Quier of the frier preachers church in Dublyn.
[1] About the ſame time the Iriſh fel vpõ ye Eng|liſhmen, and ſlue many of them, among other Thomas Balimore of Baliquelan was one.
[1] [...]he Parlia| [...]ent remoued [...] Trim.The Parliament which the laſt yeare had bene called and holden at Dublyn, was this yeare re|moued to Trim, and there began the .xj. of May, where it continued for the ſpace of xj. dayes, in the which was graunted to the lord lieutenant, a ſubſidie in monie.ſubſedie.
[...] Archbi| [...]p of Dublin [...]eaſed.
[1] This yeare, ſhortly after Eaſter, the Lord de|putie ſpoyled the tenants of Henrie Crus,1418 and Henrie Bethat.
[1] Alſo at Olane on the feaſt day of Saint Iohn and Saint Paule, the Erle of Kildare, ſix Chri|ſtofer Preſton, and ſir Iohn Bedlow were arre|ſted and committed to warde within the Caſtell of Trim, bycauſe they ſought to commune wyth the Prior of Kilmaynam.
[1] The xxix. of Iuly, Mathew Huſee Baron of Galtrim deceaſed, and was buried at the Friers preachers of Trim.
[1] In the yeare .1419. a counſell royall was hol|den at Naas,1419 A counſell or Parliament holden. where was graunted to the Lorde Lieutenant a ſubſedie in money.
[1] The ſame yeare vpon Cene Thurſday, O|thoel tooke .400. kine yt belonged vnto Balimore, ſo breaking the peace contrarie to his othe.
[1] The fourth Ides of May, Mac Mourch,Mac Murche taken priſoner chief captain of his nation, and of all the Iriſh in Ley|niſter, was taken priſoner, and the ſame day was ſir Hugh Cokeſey made knight.
[1] The laſt of May, the Lord lieutenant, and the Archebiſhop of Dublin with the Maior, razed the Caſtel of Kenini. The morow after the feaſt day of Proceſſus and Martinianus, that is the .xx. of Iune, the lord William de Burgh, & other Eng|liſhmen, ſlue .v. C. Iriſh men, and tooke Okelly.Okelly taken.
[1] On the feaſt of Marie Magdalene, the Lorde lieutenãt Talbot returned into Englãd, leauing [page 71] his deputie there the Archbiſhop of Dublin.
[1] This yeare about Saint Laurence day, dy|uerſe went forth of Irelande to ſerue the king in his warres of Normandie,The Prior of Kilmaynam went to ſerue the king [...] Fraunce. as Thomas Butler that was Prior of Kilmaynam, and many other. Iohn Fitz Henry ſucceded the ſaid Butler in go|uernment of the Priorie of Kilmaynam.
[1] The Archbiſhop of Dublin that remayned as Lorde Deputie, fiue .xxx. Iriſh men neare vnto Rodiſton. Alſo the .xiij. of Februarie, Iohn Fitz Henry Prior of Kilmaynam departed this life, & Williã Fitz Thomas was choſen to ſucceede in his place, and was confirmed the morrow after Saint Valentines day.
1420 Iames Butler Earle of Or|mond Lorde Lieutenant.
[1] On Saint Georges day,A Parliament ſommoned. he held a counſell in Dublin, and ſummoned a Parliament to begin there the .vij. of Iune. In the meane while he fet|ched great booties out of the Countreys of the I|riſh Lordes Oraly, Mac Mahun, & Magynoys. But firſt ere we go further to ſhew what Marlb. hath noted of the doings whileſt this Erle of Or|mond gouerned as the kings lieutenant in Ire|lande, we haue thought good to ſet downe what Campion alſo writeth thereof, as thus:
[2] In the red Moore of Athie (the Sunne almoſt lodged in the weſt,Iames Yong an Author al|ledged by Campion. The Sunne ſtayeth
his courſe. & miraculouſly ſtanding ſtill in his epicicle
by the ſpace of three houres till the feat was accompliſhed, and no hole nor
quakmire in all that bog annoying either horſe or mã of his part) he
vanquiſhed Omore and his terrible army with a few of his owne meiny,
& with the like nũ|ber
[figure appears here on page 71] he ouercame Arthur
Mac Murrow, at whoſe might & puiſſance al Leyniſter trẽbled. To the
in|ſtruction of this mans worthineſſe, the
cõpiler of certaine precepts touching the rule of a common welth exciteth
his lord the ſaid erle in diuerſe pla|ces of that work incidently, eftſoones
putting him in mind that the Iriſh are falſe by kind, yt it were expedient
and a worke of charitie to execute vpon them wilfull & malicious
tranſgreſſors, the kings lawes ſomwhat ſharply, yt Odempſi being
win|ked at awhile, abuſed that ſmall time of ſuffrance to the iniurie of the
erle of Kildare, intruding vn|iuſtly vpõ
the caſtel of Ley, frõ whence ye ſaid de|putie had iuſtly expelled him,
& put the erle in poſ|ſeſſion therof, that notwithſtanding their
othes & pledges, they are yet no longer true than they feel
themſelues the weaker. This Deputie tamed the Brenes, the Burghs, Mac
Banons, Oghaghu|raght, Mores Mac Mahun, all the captaines of Thomõd,
& all this he did in three Moneths, the Clergie of Dublin twiſe
euery weeke in ſolemne Proceſſion praying for his good ſucceſſe agaynſt
thoſe diſordred perſons, which now in euery part of Ireland degenerated from
the Engliſh ciuility to their old trade of life vſed in that coũtrey,
repy|ned at the Engliſh maner of gouernment. Thus far Cãpion. Diuers
parliamẽts vpõ prorogatiõs were holdẽ in time yt this erle of Ormõd
was go|uernor. The firſt began at Dublin ye .vij.
1420 The Parliamẽt began.
[1] [page 72] The morrow after the feaſt of Simon and Iude,The Caſtell of Colmolin. the Caſtell of Colmolyn was taken by Thomas Fitz Geralde. And on Saint Kathe|rins euen,The Earle of Ormondes ſon and heyre borne. the ſonne and heyre of the Erle of Or|mond Lord Lieutenant was borne, for the which there was great reioyſing,
[1] In the Parliament begon againe at Dublin the Monday after Saint Andrews day, an other ſubſidie of .CCC. markes was graunted vnto the Lord Lieutenant. And after they had ſit .xiij. dayes, it was eftſoones adiourned till the Mon|day after Saint Ambroſe day. Then rumors were ſpred abrode, that Thomas Fitz Iohn Erle of Deſmond was departed this life at Paris vp|pon Saint Laurence day, after whome ſucceded his vncle Iames Fitz Gerald, whom he had three ſeueral times renoũced, as one that was a waſter of his patrimonie, both in England and Ireland, and not like to come to any good proufe.
1421 A Parliament.
[1] Alſo in the ſame Parliament, there roſe cõten|tion betwixt Adam Pain biſhop of Clone, & an o|ther prelate whoſe church he would haue annexed vnto his ſee. At length after the Parliament had continued for the ſpace of xviij. days, it brake vp. Herewith came newes of ye ſlaughter of the Lord Tho. of Lãcaſter duke of Clarence, yt had bin L.The Duke of Clarence ſlaine in Fraunce. lieutenant of Ireland, & vpõ the .vij. of May, cer|taine of the Erle of Ormondes men were ouer|thrown by the Iriſh, nere to the Abbey of Leys, & xxvij. Engliſhmen were ſlain there, of whom the chief were two gẽtlemẽ, the one named Purcel, & the other Grant. Alſo .x. were takẽ priſoners, and two .C. eſcaped to the foreſayde Abbey, ſo ſauing themſelues. About the ſame time,Mac Mahun. Mac Mahun an Iriſh lord, did much hurt within the coũtry of Vrgile, by burning and waſting all afore him.
[figure appears here on page 72]
[1] Alſo vpon the morrow after Midſommer day, the Erle of Ormond Lord lieutenant entred in|to the Countrey about Leys vpon Omordris, & for the ſpace of foure dayes togither did muche hurt in ſleaing and ſpoyling the people, till the I|riſh were glad to ſue for peace.