[1] Now as cõcerning Fitz Aldelm,The diſcrip|tion of Fitz Aldelme. he was of ſta|ture ſomwhat bigger thã ye mean ſort, of hãdſom [page 38] proportion, a man liberall and pleaſant, but ſub|till and deceytfull ynough, in outwarde counte|naunce curteous, friendly, and gentle, but in|wardly conteyning more gall than honie, hys wordes were as ſoft as Oyle, but they proued pearcing Dartes: whom this day he honoured, to morow he would ſpoyle, oppreſſing the weake and bearing with the rebell: harde to thoſe that were ouercome, and eaſie to them that helde good agaynſt him, giuen to wine and women, and as he was Courtly, ſo was he couetous.