[1] Meiller was browne of colour, with black eies,The deſcriptiõ of Meiller. and of countenaunce grim and ſterne, of ſtature ſomewhat leſſe than the common ſort, but yet of paſſing ſtrẽgth for the quantitie of his body, with a brode breaſt, and ſlender waſt, his armes and o|ther limmes being greater of bone and ſinewes than filled with fleſh, a right hardy knight & ready to attẽpt any enterprice yt was to be atchieued ei|ther alone or accõpanied: the firſt to giue the onſet in euery battel, & the laſt yt ſhould depart forth of ye field, & nothing in him might be diſpraiſed, but yt he was giuen ouer much to ſpilling of bloud, and ſo deſirous of praiſe, that he eſteemed honor more than life. This with more doth Giraldus Cam|brenſis report of the foreſayd Meiller.