[1] [2] Reymond therefore was of a large & mightie ſtature,The diſcrip|tion of Rey|mond. with yellow heares a little curling, great eies, gray and round, his noſe ſomewhat in height rayſed, well coloured of viſage, with a pleaſant & me [...]rie countenance. And although he was verie corpulent, yet with a liuelineſſe of ſpirit he recom|penced the vnweldineſſe of his fleſhe, and ſo ouer|matched the groſſenes of his bodie with the ver|tue of his mind. He would paſſe the nights with|out ſleep, to ſee to the ſafetie of his army, and as a ſurueyer of the watch, he would go vp and down about the campe with marueylous care and dili|gence, ſo that ſuche bandes as were vnder hys charge, ſeldome or neuer attempted anye thing raſhly, or through negligẽce came to hinderance, neither delicate in his feeding, nor fine in his ap|parell. He would endure both heate and cold alike, yeelding to neither of them both, able to brydle wrath, & to abide al maner of painful trauails. He ſeemed rather to profite than to rule ouer thẽ that were vnder his gouernment, rather as a ſeruant than a maiſter: and to conclude, he was boun|tifull, curteous, and wiſe. And although he was right vertuous, and readie to bidde battaill, yet he excelled moſte in prudent policie and prouident foreſight, ſo as he iuſtly deſerued to be cõmended, both for a valiant ſouldiour, and a circumſpect Captaine. Thus much for Reymond.