Snippet: 105 of 200 (1577, Volume 3, p. 37)
[2] After this, the king of Englands Commiſſio|ners perceyuing what eſtimation and opinion the ſouldiers & men of warre
had conceyued of Rey|monde,Reymond cõ| [...]ituted the kings lieute|nat. they authoriſed him lieutenaunt,
tyll the kings pleaſure therein might be further knowne: and herewith they
returned into Englande to in|forme him of the chaunge of things in Irelande by
the Earles death. The king throughly infor|med how things ſtoode, ſent William
Fitz Al|delme,
W [...]lliam Fitz Aldelme lieu|tenant of Ire|lande.
Iohn Curcy. Williã Cogan
one of his truſtie ſeruants as his lieutenãt into Ireland with .xx.
knights, ioyning with him in commiſſion Iohn
de Curey, with other tenne knights, alſo Fitz Stephans & Miles Cogã,
with xx. knights, which two laſt remembred captaines had ſerued the king right
valiauntly in thoſe late ciuil warres, which his ſonnes had reyſed againſt him.
Reymond vnderſtãding that they were ar|riued, met them with a braue number of
knights, in the borders of Wexford, deliuering all the Ci|ties, townes,
& caſtels togither with ſuch hoſtages as he had into Aldelmes hands as
the kings lieu|tenant of that kingdome. Fitz
Aldelme moued with enuie, to ſee Reymond furniſhed with ſuch a traine of luſtie
youthes, he threatned to abate ſuch pride, and to make a ſcatter of thoſe
ſhieldes. Frõ that time forth, aſwell he as other lieutenãts of Irelãd that
ſucceeded him, ceaſed not (as it had bene by ſome purpoſed conſpiracie) to
hinder the good fortune of Reymond,The kinred of Reymond
en| [...]yed. Meiller, Fitz Morice, Fitz Gerald, Fitz Stephans,
& all that whole ge|neration, although no cankred enuy was able to
roote out the plants of ſo plentifull an