[1] This Earle was of colour ruddye and freck|led, with great eyes, of a feminine vyſage, ſmall voyce, ſhorte necke, of ſtature tall, and a good|ly perſonage, lyberall and curteous, and where ſubſtaunce wanted to ſhewe his franke heart, hee ſupplyed it with gentle wordes, more readie to o|bey than to commaunde. At home more lyke a Souldier than a Captayne, but abrode in the warres he ſhewed himſelfe a Captayne, and not a Souldier. Although he neuer would enterpriſe any exployt of himſelfe without the aduice of o|ther, being once ioyned in fight with his enimies, [page 37] he ſtoode as an aſſured ſtandard for his people to haue recourſe to, for their ſafetie. And howſoeuer the chance of battail turned he was euer conſtant and ſtable, neyther drowping as one in diſpayre whẽ fortune ſeemed to frown, nor too ioyful whẽ ſhe was diſpoſed to fawne. He left no iſſue behind him in life but one daughter named Iſabell,William Mar|ſhall marieth the daughter of Erle Strang|bow. ma|ried after .xiiij. yeares to William Earle Mar|ſhall.