[1] [2] About the kalends of Iune,1177 Richard Strang|bow Erle of Pembrooke departed this life, wherof Reymond aduertiſed, conſulting with his truſtie friends, betaketh Lymerike to the keeping of Do|nald prince of Thomonde, as to one of the kings faythfull Barons, receyuing of him both pledges, and ſwearing him alſo to preſerue that Citie frõ hurt, and to reſtore it to the king of Englands vſe whenſoeuer he was thervnto required. This done, he with the army departed towards Leyniſter, to defend that countrie and the hauen townes there, for the more ſuretie of the Engliſh poſſeſſions in Ireland. But he was no ſooner come to the fur|ther end of the bridge, but the other end next to the Citie was broken downe,The treaſon of Donalde. and the Engliſh men might behold fire ſet in foure corners of the Citie, to their great grief, which was done by treaſon of Donald, ſhewing a taſt what credit was to be gi|uen vnto the people of that nation by that his diſ|loyall periurie and breach of othe ſo lately taken, without all feare of Gods vengeance to folow, or ſhame of the world that might be imputed to him amongſt men of honeſt reſpect.