[1] The ſame time Dermote or Dermucius Ma|charthy,Dermucius Marcharthy prince of Deſ|mond vexed by his ſonne Kormac Ole|tham. prince of Deſmond, was by his eldeſt ſon Kormac Oletham in maner expulſed out of his countrey, wherevpon he ſued vnto Reymond for ayde againſt his vnnaturall ſon. Reymond mo|ued aſwel at the erneſt prayer, as promiſe of large entertainment, toke vpon him that enterpriſe, and turning his victorious enſignes towards Cork, he ſo vſed the matter that his armye was in ſhort ſpace greatly enriched, what with ſpoile & wages, & plenty of vitailes, which they recouered in thoſe parties, in ſuch wiſe that they ſent great abũdance vnto Limerik, for Dermote Macharthy by ye help of Reymond reſtored now wholy again vnto his dominion, ſought to pleaſure him and his cõpany in all things he might.The crafty diſ|ſimulation of the ſonne to intrappe the father. But yet Kormac vnder colour of peace, led forth his father Dermote craf|tily with fayre wordes, till he got him into his hands, & committed him to priſon, but within a while after, the father recõpenſing his ſonne with like curteſie, practiſed his ſonnes death,To what ende it came. whileſt he ſo remayned in priſon, and bringing his purpoſe to paſſe, was ſo deliuered.