[1] The Erle conferring vpon this refuſall of his men of warre with the Commiſſioners, it was a|greed by their conſents, that Reymonde ſhoulde haue the leading of the army vnto Lymerike, and ſo ſetting forward with .lxxx. knightes, two .C. other horſemen, and three hundred archers, beſide ſuch Iriſhe men as he tooke with him, vnder the conduct of Murchard Kenceili,Murcharde Kenceili. & Dunald of Oſ|ſorie, with this power he went firſt vnto Caſ|ſhell, hearing by the way that the enimies hauing left the ſiege of Lymerike, were layde in the paſe of Caſſhell, which being of it ſelfe a very comber|ſom ſtrayt, & hard to get through by nature of the place, they had made it much more noyſome to thoſe that ſhould attẽpt to paſſe that way, in lay|ing trees ouerthwart and caſting ditches a tra|uerſe, which they fẽced with hedges plaſhed aloft vpon the rampire.