[1] Reymond diſpoſing things in order for the ſure gard of that citie, cauſed vitails from ech ſide to be brought into it, and leauing there .l. knights two hundred horſmen, and .CC. archers, vnder the gouernment of Miles of S. Dauid hys cou|ſin that was appoynted captaine of that citie,Miles of Saint [...]uid. he returned and drew into Leyniſter with the reſi|due of his people in ſafetie, hauing thus obteyned a notable victorie.Heruey enuy| [...] Reymonds [...]. But as enuie is euer a com|panion to well doing, though not to further, but readie ſtill to hinder the ſame, ſo Heruie bearing a continuall ſecrete grudge agaynſt Reymondes glorie, that neyther reſpect of affinitie, nor other reaſonable conſideration coulde cauſe him to forget it, ſticked not to ſende Meſſengers to the King, with ſiniſter informations agaynſt Rey|monde, wrongly interpreting all hys doings, in ſo muche that he put into the kings head, how he went about as one fully determined thervpon, not onely to vſurpe to hymſelfe and his, the Ci|tie of Lymerike, but alſo all Irelande, greatly a|gaynſt the kings honour and his owne promiſed fidelitie.