[1] Ye muſt here note, that the king of Englãd to aſſure his title to Ireland with a color of further right, procured of Pope Adriã that was an Eng|liſh man borne (as before ye haue heard) bulles of confirmation, to the ende (as the tenor of thoſe bulles ſignified) that he ſhould root out ſuch abu|ſes & euill cuſtomes as were commonly practiſed there among the people, cõtrarie to the order of all Chriſtianitie. And ſo in reforming the ſtate of re|ligion, and reducing the people to liue within the compaſſe of honeſt lawes & more ciuill ordinan|ces, he graunted to him the ſupreme dominion of that land, commanding all the inhabitants therof to receiue him for their ſouerain lord & gouernor.