[1] Reymond not forgetting the Earles promiſe conteined in his letters,Reymonde marieth the Ladie Baſill, ſiſter to Erle Strangbow. would not depart forth of Wexford, till the Ladie Baſill was fetched from Dublyn, and coupled with him in mariage. The [figure appears here on page 34] ſolemnization whereof being finiſhed, vnderſtan|ding that Roderike king of Connagh, hauing vt|terly deſtroyed the Countrey of Meth, had nowe inuaded the confines about Dublin, the morrow after his maryage feaſt, Reymonde with his bandes of men of warre, iſſued forth and marched towardes thoſe parties, wherof Roderike hauing knowledge, withdrew backe into his Countrey.