[1] Liſmore ſpoyled.The citie and prouince of Liſmore, they ſpoy|led, and meaning to returne vnto Waterforde by water, they fraught with ſpoyle .xiij. ſhippes, of the which ſome they founde there in the hauen, and the reſidue were come thither from Water|forde. Whileſt they ſtayed for a proſperous wind, there came .xxxij. ſhippes, which they of Corke had made forth, well appoynted and throughly manned, the which aſſayled the Engliſh men in their ſhips with great fury, ſo that the battail was right dangerous, whileſt the one part with ſtones and Axes, and the other with arrowes and other weapons, enforced to bring eche other to deſtruc|tion. At lẽgth yet the Iriſh were vanquiſhed, and their captain ſlain, ſo that the Engliſh men with their captaine Adam de Hereforde,Adam de Hereforde. hauing en|creaſed the number of their ſhips with thoſe which they toke from their enimies, returned with honor vnto Waterford. Reymond that was aduertiſed of this victory, marching thitherwards alõgſt the ſhore with .xx. knights, & .lx. other horſmen, met with Dermote K. of Deſmond cõming towards Liſmore with a great power to ayd thẽ of Corke,Reymonde diſcomfiteth the king of Deſmond. but Reymõd putting him to flight, got & brought wt him to Waterf. a booty of .4000. head of cattel.