[1] The king leauing in Waterford Robert Fitz Bernard for the ſafe keeping of that towne,Robert Fitz B [...]rnard. The king go|eth to Dublin. de|parted from thence towardes Dublyn through Oſſorie, and comming thither, remayned there for a time, during the whiche, all the Princes of thoſe parties,Princes that ſubmitted thẽ|ſelues to the king of Eng|lande. came in and humbly ſubmitting thẽ ſelues to his obeyſaunce beſought him to graunt them peace, and to receyue them into his protecti|on, as Machelan, Ophelan, Omachcalewy, O|thuetheli, Gillemeholmoch, Otadheſi, Ocaruell [figure appears here on page 29] [page 30] of Vriell, and Ororick of Methe.