[1] [page 28] The Engliſh men hauing thus got the victory and deliuered the citie quite from the ſiege on eche ſide, the next day leauing a competent gariſon within Dublin,Fitz Stephan yeeldeth him|ſelfe to the enimies. they marched forth with theyr victorious enſignes towards Wexford to the ſuc|cor of Fitz Stephan, but before their comming he had yelded himſelf to the enimies: for cauſing him to beleeue by the aſſured report of the Biſhops of Wexford and Kildare, that Dublin was taken, & all the Engliſh men put to the ſworde, they per|ſwaded with him to yeelde before that the armies of Connagh and Leyniſter came, promiſing that if he would commit himſelf vnto their fayth, they would ſee that he ſhoulde be ſafely conueyed ouer into Wales, and ſo eſcape the daunger of al other his enimies. But after he had yeelded himſelf di|uerſe of his people being ſlaine, the reſidue were beaten and maymed, and thruſt into priſon.