[1] [2] Herevpon they choſe forth a conuenient num|ber to leaue behinde them in the Citie for the ga [...]d thereof, and with the reſidue marched forth, deui|ded into three troupes, the firſt being [...] Rey|monde accompanied with .xx. knightes. The ſe|conde was gouerned by Myles, who ha [...] wyth him .xxx. knightes: and laſtly in the r [...]rewarde went the Erle himſelfe, and Fitz Geralde, hauing with them .xl. knightes beſide other horſmen, and a fewe Citizens that were ioyned with them in eche of thoſe three wardes ſome: with ſo ſmall a cõpanie they manfully ſet vpon the whole campe of theyr enimies, being fewe leſſe than .xxx. thou|ſand, and [...]o beſtyrred themſelues,A notable vic|torie gotten by a fewe a|gaynſt a great number. that with great ſlaughter they obteyned a glorious victorie, [...]ha|ſing their enimies, and ſleaing them as they o|uertooke them, till the euening came vpon them, and cauſed them to returne into the Citie wyth ſuch vytayles and other ſpoyles as they founde in the enimies campe. Rotherike being in his bane when the fight firſt began, got away as well as he might, and ſo eſcaped.