[1] [2] The ſame time, that is, about Whitſuntide,Haſtulfus. Haſtulfus that in times paſt had beene gouernor of Dublyn. with .lx. ſayle fraught with Norwe|gians and Iland men, arriued neare to Dublin, and landing his people vnder the gouernment of one that had the leding of thẽ, named Iohn Hen|uode, a forwarde man of warre,Iohannes Iuſanus. they prepared themſelues to aſſault the Citie. They were well appoynted for the warre, clad in long habergeons or plate cotes cunningly wrought, with rounde targettes coloured redde, and bound about with a ring of yron, ſo that both themſelues and theyr weapons were couered with yron.The Norwe|gians aſſault Dublin. They aſſaul|ted the Citie at the Eaſt gate, but Miles Cogan then captain of that Citie manfully made a ſally forth vpon the enimies, but not able to abyde the impreſſion of ſuche an huge multitude, hauing loſt part of his ſmall number, he was conſtrayned to retyre backe into the Citie, till his brother Ri|chard Cogã iſſuing forth wt a few at the poſterne of the ſouthſide, ſet vpõ the enimies behind,They are diſ|confited. raiſing ſuch a noiſe & hobub, ye ſtriken vpon a ſodain with a maruellous feare, they toke themſelues to f [...]ight, ſo that being fiercely purſued, ye moſt part of them [page 27] were ſlaine togither with Iohn Henuode theyr Captaine.Iohannes In|ianus.