[1] The Iriſh Clergie perceyuing in what danger the countrey ſtood, aſſembled thẽſelues togither at Ardmagh, and with one accord proteſted, that for their ſinnes, & ſpecially for their barbarous kind of tyrannie which they vſed in buying and ſelling, and vilely abuſing ſuch Engliſh captiues as they bought, aſwel of Merchants as Pirates, the land was now like to be tranſlated to that nation whõ they had ſo cruelly intreated. Therfore to appeaſe the wrath of God, they decreed that all the Eng|liſh people whereſoeuer any of them remayned in ſeruitude within the Ile, ſhoulde forthwith be re|leaſed, and if it pleaſed God to lay his ſcourge vp|pon them, they determined to ſuffer the ſame pa|ciently, as a puniſhment a great way beneath the fulneſſe of their deſertes.