[1] [2] [3] The valiancie of one William Ferrando a knight was much noted in this conflict.William Fer|rando. Seuenty towneſmen of Waterford were taken, and after|wardes (contrarie to the minde of Raymond) caſt into the ſea and drowned, through the perſwaſion of Heruie de Monte Mauriſco, in which doing the Engliſh men did great hurt to themſelues, for the aduauncement of their proceedings in Ire|land.The Earle of Pembroke paſſeth into Irelande. In the meane time the Erle of Pembrooke hauing made all his prouiſion readie, tooke the ſea in Mylforde hauen with two hundred knightes, and a thouſand other men of warre, and arriued at Waterforde on Bartholmewe euen, and the morow after Bartholmew day, being Tueſday, they aſſaulted the Citie, and were twiſe repulſed, but yet at length breaking downe an houſe that ioyned to the wall, they entred by force, and ſlea|ing the Citizins, obteyned a bloudie victorie.