
Reymond le Grace is ſent ouer from the Erle of Pem|broke into Irelande.


The Earle diſſembling to vnderſtand the hol|lowneſſe of the Kings heart and good will to|wardes his preferment, firſt furniſhed forth hys couſin Reymond le Grace, nephew by an elder brother vnto Fitz Stephans, and Fitz Geralde, with .x. knightes and .lxx. Archars about the Ka|lendes of May, appoynting him to paſſe ouer be|fore him into Irelande. Who landing neare to a rocke by the Sea ſide called Dundenolfe (foure myles from Waterforde, towarde Wexforde by ſouth) began there on the ſayde rocke to buylde a Fort of earth and fagots. The Citizins of Wa|terforde,The Citizins [...] Waterford take to reſiſt Reymond. and with them Machlachelin Ophelan hauing in a iealouſie the neighborhood of ſtraun|gers, aſſembled togither three thouſand men and paſſed ouer the ryuer that deuideth the Countrey of Deſmound from Leyniſter vnder their towne walles towardes the Eaſt, and deuiding themſel|ſelues into three battails marched forth, and vali|antly approched to the ditches where Reymonde with his companie was intrenched. Reymonde perceyuing them thus to approche, boldly iſſued forth agaynſt them with ſuch ſmall companie as he had there with him. Howbeit not able to make his partie good, he was forced to retyre vnto hys ſtrength, but beyng purſued vnto the very gates by the Iriſhe, thinking to enter with the Eng|liſhe men, Reymond at the very entring of the gate turned backe vppon them, and thruſt his ſworde through the firſt of his enimies that preſ|ſed next to follow him at the heeles, and calling to his people to turne vpon the aduerſarie, he ſo encouraged his companye,The Iriſh men diſcomfited. and ſtroke ſuche a feare into the Iriſh mens heartes, that they tooke themſelues to flight, and were ſo egrely followed of their aduerſaries, that aboue fiue hundred of thẽ were ſlaine, beſide a great number that were dry|uẽ to take the ſea, where they were loſt & drowned [figure appears here on page 25]