[1] This Erles anceſtors came into this Realme of Englãd with Wi [...]llam Conqueror, but now eyther through riotous prodigalitie, or diſfauor of the Kings, they were runne farre behinde hand with the world, and therefore this man gaue the more willing eare vnto Dermotz letters, & there|vpon paſſed ouer to the King, beſeeching him ey|ther to reſtore him to ſuch landes as he withhelde [figure appears here on page 24] o [...] his, or elſe [...]ece him in forraigne parts to ſeke his fortune. The King as one yt ſpake in ſkorne, [page 25] bade him go forward in the name of God ſo farre as his fette woulde beare him.