[1] The Towneſmen vnderſtanding that they were comming towardes them, iſſued forthe a|gainſt them: but after they were aware of ſuche a power of armed menne, ſet in order of battell, di|uerſly arrayed and weaponed, with barded Hor|ſes, and all other furniture of warre neceſſarie, they began to ſhrinke, and loſing courage, retired backe to their Towne, brenning the Villages rounde aboute them, and all the prouiſion of vi|tayles which they could not conuey with them, they made themſelues within ſo ſtrong as they coulde deuiſe, and ſtoode manfully at defence of theyr gates and walles agaynſte theyr eni|mies.