[1] While he continued thus at Briſtowe, pro|curing by all meanes to get ſome ayde, it chan|ced, that vppon conference hadde with Richarde Strangbowe Earle of Penbroke,

Richard Strangbowe Earle of Pen|broke.

Dermucius or Dermotes co|uenants with him.

ſonne to Gil|bert Earle of Penbroke, to whome he couenan|ted to giue to him his daughter and heire in ma|riage, vppon promiſe, that the nexte Spring hee ſhoulde helpe to bring hym home into his coun|trey, and place hym agayne in hys King|dome, whyche in remaynder was, to diſtend vn|to the ſayde Earle, by the marriage promiſed to him of Dermots daughter.