
Anno. 1167.

Dermote Macmurche.

_DErmucius or Dermote Macmurche Kyng of Leyniſter, and gouer|nor of the fifte parte of Irelande, poſſeſſed all ye Eaſt partes of the Iſle alõgſt by ye Sea coaſt, an oppreſſor of the no|bilitie, vſing much crueltie towardes the Lords and great men of his countrey. To ſerue his le|cherous luſt, hee ſecretely made ſute in diſhoneſt wiſe vnto the Queene of Meth, the daughter of Amalachelmus,Amalachel|nus Morice [...] of Meth. and wife vnto Morice King of Meth, which Morice going vpon a iourney into farre parts foorth of his countrey, left his Queene in a certayne ile in Meth, but before his returne, ſhee condiſcending vnto Dermotes deſire,Dermote a|buſeth the wife of King Morice. was voluntarily ſtolne away by the ſame Dermuci|us. King Morice of Meth hir huſband ſore mo|ued heerewith, determineth to bee reuenged, and the better to bring his purpoſe to paſſe, he maketh complaynte of the whole iniurie vnto Rotherick Ochonor King of Connagh,Rotherick Ochonor Mo|narke of Ire|lande. that was in thoſe dayes Monarke of Ireland, beſeeching him of aſ|ſiſtance in that enterpriſe, which he meant to take in hand againſt that vile adulterer Kyng Der|mote. The people of Leyniſter deteſting the quarrell, and hauing long agoe conceyued no ſmal hatred againſt theyr K. for his outragious-crueltie vſed againſt his ſubiects, forſooke hym in his greateſt neceſſitie, ſo that hee being left deſo|late of all comforte,Dermucius [...]eeth out of Irelande. He commeth to the King of Englande Henry the [...]conde. with muche difficultie gote a veſſell, and fledde for ſuccour vnto Henry the ſe|cond King of Englande then remayning in A|quitayne, where hee was occupied in warres a|gainſt the Frenchmen.