[1] [2] For the remembraunce of which riuer ſo notoriouſly faw [...]uſed, a [...] can [...]th great likely|hoode that the name ſhould be to the whole realme, generally aforebed. Sundry latin au|thors write Ireland, Inuerna; others Iuerna, Inuerna. Ioan. Ca|mertes in cap. 35. So|lini. dingus I [...]erna Claudius nameth it Iberno. The diue [...] ſ [...]e of which names grew; for that [...] their tyme the true and certayne name was not knowen, ſo that they were contented to take it, as they found it, which matters is hãd|led by Hermolaus Barbards. Hermol. Barb. c. 16. in lib. 4. Plin. caſtig. The name Iriſhe and Ireland curiouſly ſeuered.