Snippet: 5 of 24 (1577, Volume 3, p. 574)
[3] Touching the name Ibernia,
The name Ibernia whence it procéedeth.
Hiſtoriogra|phers are not yet agréed frõ whence it is de|ducted. Some write it
Hybernia corruptly, & ſuppoſe that the eſtraungers finding
it in an odde end of the world, foiſty and moiſty, tooke it at the firſt for a
very cold countrey, & ther|of named it Hybernia, as to ſay,
the Winter|land. But this errour beyng vpon ſhort expe|riẽce reformed, it
could not be, that the name ſhould haue liued long, eſpecially the firſt
im|poſitours [page 2] ſub [...]s the triall, and able to al|ter the firſt no win [...].Ireland.
[...]th [...] bo [...]
[...] gueſh, that it ſhould be named of Irelande. But be|cauſe I read nothing
of them [...]any probable hiſtory, I purpoſe not to builde vpon that cõ|iecture. Moſt
credibly it is holden, that the Hiſpaniardes, the founders of the Iriſh, has
deuotion towardes. Hiſpayn, called then Ibe|ria of Iberius t [...]e ſonne of Iuhall,
[...]tus the [...]ſpaniſhe [...]
[...] in [...] in Ca [...]i.
and the ra|ther, forther themſelues had dwelled beſide the famous riuer
Iberus, named the land I|beria (for ſo [...]eland and many forreine chro|niclers write it) or Ibernia,
addyng the letter i [...] for difference ſake. And fro Ibernia procée|deth Iberland or
Iuerland, from Iuerlande, by contractiõ, Ireland, for ſo much as in
cor|ruption of commõ talke and find that V. with his vocabel, is
eaſily loſt, and ſuppreſſed. So we ſay ere for euer, nere for neuer: ſhoole for
ſhoou [...]ll: ore for ouer: en [...] for euent dyle for de|uil. At the ſame tyme it was alſo named
Sco|tia in reuerence of Scotach,Scotia. Scotach.
Gathelus. the wyfe of Ga|thelus, auncient capitayne of thoſe Iberians
that f [...]itted from Hiſpayne into Ireland, and the ſayd Scotach was olde grandame
to Hi|berus and Hermon after the Scottiſh Chro|nicles, who in any wiſe will
haue their coun|treymen deriued from the Iriſh,
[...] Scot. [...]o [...] cap. 9. and not frõ the Britõs. The name Scotia is
of late yeres ſo vſually taken for that parte of Britayne, that compriſeth
Scotland, that diuers aunci|ent Iriſh authours are holden to be borne in
Scotland, wheras in very déede their natiue ſoyle is Ireland. As the famous
ſchoole man Iohannes Duns Scotus,
Iohannes [...]inus Scotus [...]e in [...]land. otherwiſe named, do|nor Subtîlis, for his
ſubtill quiddities in ſcho|laſticall controuerſies, was an Iriſhe man borne,
and yet is taken for a Scotte. Some hold opinion, that he was born in Tathmon,
a market towne, fiue myles diſtaunt from Weiſeford. Others auouche, and that
more truely, that he was borne in Doune, an olde auncient ciuitie in the North
of Ireland, and therof they geſſe hym to be named Dunenſis,
[...]hy [...]ciemen [...]re called Dunſes. and by contraction Duns, which terme
is ſo triuiall and common in all ſchooles, that who ſo ſurpaſſeth others either
in cauilling ſophi|ſtry, or ſubtill philoſophy, is forthwith nick|named a Duns.
Wherfore as Scotlande is named Scotia minor,
Scotia ma| [...]r.
Scotia mi| [...]r.
ſo Irelande is termed Scotia maior, as the hed from whence yt
name of Scotia minor tooke his ofſpring. The Iriſh alſo were named of
the foreſayd Gathelus, or Gaudeilus,
Gaudeili. In their Iriſh rythmes, they terme Ireland very often
Banno. I can not deuine what reaſon ſhould lead their
ma|kers therto, vnleſſe it be the riuer in the coũ|tie of Wieſeford,The riuer Banne. named the Banne, where the Britons vpon
the conqueſt firſt arriued. The place otherwiſe is called Bagganbun, according
to the olde auncient rithme.