[1] _TAking in hande right Ho|norable to gather the perticular Hiſto|ries of diuers Countries and Nations, to ioyn vvith a Coſmographie, vvhich one Reginald VVoulfe late Printer to the Queenes Maieſtie, meant to pu|bliſhe in our Engliſh tounge: vvhen I came to cõſider of the Hiſtories of Ire|land, I founde my ſelfe ſo vnprouided of helpes, to ſet dovvne any perticular diſcourſe therof, that I vvas in diſpaire to enterprice to vvrite any thing at all concerning that realme, othervviſe thã incidently, as fell to purpoſe, to touche the ſame in the Hiſtorie of England.