[1] [2] Shortly after, there came out of France one Iohn Cheſeholme,Iohn Cheſe|holme. who was ſente with money to the Laird of Grange for the payment of his Souldiers: he brought with him alſo a certaine quãtitie of powder and three hundred ca [...]uers. Vpon his entring into the water of Fourth, and comming vp the ſame, he learned how the Re|gent was in Leith, whervpõ he lãded at Brent yland, and afterwardes for feare hid himſelf be|twixte twoo clifes of a rocke, not farre from the Queenes ferie: but at length he was foũd out by the Abbot of S. Combes Inche, and deliuered to the Regent at Leith, in which towne the ſaid Regent lay aboue two moneths, vſing ſundry meanes, aſwell by practiſe & policie, as by force to haue taken the towne of Edenburgh. In the meane time ſundry ſkirmiſhes chanced betwixt them, & diuers pryſoners were taken on eyther part. At length the Regent cauſed a Parliamẽt to be ſummoned, appointing the ſame to be hol|den at Sterling the .xxij.A Parliament ſummoned. of Auguſt nexte enſu|ing. And when that day approched, he lefte the Lord Lindſey at Leith in charge, as his Lieute|nant to gouerne the towne, and all the men of warre appointed to remaine in garde therof, and repayred himſelfe vnto Sterling, where at the prefixed day there aſſembled the Erles of Mor|ton, Mar, Crafore, Sotherlãd, Mottos, Eglen|ton, Glencarne, the Lordes Ruthuen, Glamis, Methuen, Sunple; Ogiltree, and Catcart, with many Lairdes and Gentlemenne.