[1] In this meane time the Laird of Grange then Capitayne of the Caſtell, and Prouoſt of the towne of Edenburgh,A Proclama|tion. cauſed Proclamation to be made, that all thoſe inhabitantes whiche were not willing to take parte with him in his doyngs, ſhould departe out of the towne, wher|vpon many of them departed thence, togither with theyr wiues and children, and tooke with them alſo ſuche goodes as they coulde ſecretely conuey, & cõming to Leith, offered theyr ſeruice vnto the Regent, who thankfully accepted theyr offer, and ſo they remayned at Leith, ſeruing a|gainſt the cõtrary factiõ vpõ their own expẽces.