[1] [2] Aboute the fiue and twentie of May fol|lowing [page 516] Capitayne Cullen iſſued foorth of E|denburgh with twoo hundreth ſhotte, meanyng to intercept certayne Harquebuſiers which were appoynted to come out of Fife ouer the riuer of the Fourth, vnto the Earle of Morton, who kepte ſtill at Dalketh, wherevpon the ſayd Erle hauyng knowledge of Cullens enterpriſe, ad|uertiſed the Regent thereof, who beyng [...]hen at Sterling, the nexte day came downe to Dun|fermlyng in Fife, but before his cõming thither Cullen had met wt a boate vpon ye water,Capitayne Cullen. wher|in were aboorde .xxv. ſhot, whom he tooke priſo|ners, & led them away with him to Edenburgh.