[1] [2] For reuenge of which ouerthrow, ſhortly af|ter the Earle of Huntley, and Claude Hamil|ton with theyr forces marched from Edẽburgh to Dalketh, purpoſing to haue ſpoiled the town, but the Earle of Morton hauing knowledge of theyr intention and commyng, ſallyed foorth of Dalketh with the power whiche hee had there with hym, although not comparable in num|ber to his aduerſaries and meetyng them in the field, there was a ſharp ſkyrmiſh betwixt them, and many hurte on bothe parties, but in the ende the Earle of Morton was put to the worſe,The Erle of Morton put to the worſe. fourtie or more of his menne beyng taken pry|ſoners, and the cauſe was for that his footemen were to foreworde, wanting help of their horſe|men that ſhould haue ſuccoured them.