[1] In this meane time the Earle of Morton hauing certaine ſtuffe come foorth of Englande by ſea, and brought to lande at Leith, ſente the Laird of Carmichell with his houſeholde ſer|uants, and twoo hundred ſhotte,The laird of Carmichell. to fetche the ſame from thence vnto Dalkith, bryng a fiue myles diſtant from Leith. At theyr returne with the ſtuffe, they were ſet vpon by the Earle of Huntley, and the Lorde Hume, who iſſued out of Edenburgh with their power, ſo that be|twixte them there was a very hoate ſkirmiſhe,The Erle of Huntley and Lord Hume put to flight. but in the ende the Earle of Huntley, and the Lord Hume were conſtreyned to flee, and were purſued by Carmichell and his company euen vnto the gates of Edenburgh, ſome of theyr menne beyng ſlayne and other taken pryſo|ners.