[1] [2] After this, the Regent ſummoned a Par|liament to beginne at Edenburgh the .xiiij.A Parliament ſummoned. of May nexte enſuyng, & paſſed from Sterlyng to Lithquho, where the Earle of Morton with the reſte of the Cõmiſſioners for the kings part, beyng returned out of Englande with other of the Nobilitie m [...]tte the Regent, and then they paſſed towards Edẽburgh, where they thought to haue bene receyued, and ſo to haue kepte the Parliament there, but they were not ſuffered to enter that towne nor yet the Caſtell,The caſtell of Edenburgh kept by the land of Grãge againſt the Regent. the ſame beyng defended agaynſt them by the Laird of Grange, who after the death of the Earle of Murrey, was reuolted from the Kings parte to the Hamiltons ſide, and had fortified bothe the towne and Caſtell, ſo that the Regent and Nobilitie beyng kepte out there, helde theyr Parliament in the Cannogate ſtreete within the Suburbes of the towne, where ſundry of the Queenes parte were forfalted.