[1] [...]e Lady [...]ng ho| [...]y in| [...].The Regent dealt very honorably with the Ladie Flemming, ſuffryng hir to departe away with all ſuche plate and Iewels, as appertey|ned eyther to hyr or to hyr huſband. He graun|ted alſo a ſaufeconduct vnto Monſieur de Ve|rack, to paſſe homewardes through the coun|trey, but the Archbiſhoppe of Saint Androwes was ſent pryſoner to Sterlyng. The ſpoyle of the goodes founde in the Caſtell was giuen to the Souldiers that ventured ſo daungerouſly to atchieue ſo highe an enterpryce, brynging it to the wiſhed effect by policie with ſo litle bloud|ſhed as deſerueth perpetuall remembraunce.